Okunote participated as a pro bono member in WOMAN+BEYOND: Change the World with Us, a project supported by Runtrip in collaboration with the UNHCR Association of Japan. This year’s campaign focuses on supporting the self-reliance of Rohingya refugee women and girls, now in their sixth year of displacement in Bangladesh. Starting June 6, a charity run & walk event was held to raise awareness and support.
The event symbolized the 50+ kilometer journey that Rohingya women undertook to escape to refugee camps in Bangladesh, risking their lives. Okunote contributed to the campaign concept, statement, visual design, and logo design, visually representing the theme of "walking together with refugees."
We are honored to have been part of this initiative, which aims to shed light on the struggles of refugee women worldwide and inspire broader support.

オクノテは、Runtripが賛同する国連UNHCR協会のプロジェクト「WOMAN+BEYOND 私たちから、世界を変えよう。」にプロボノメンバーとして参画しました。本プロジェクトは、過酷な環境下で生きるロヒンギャ難民女性・女子の自立支援をテーマに、6月6日よりチャリティラン&ウォークイベントを開催しました。

URL: WOMEN+BEYOND チャリティーラン&ウォーク

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