Okunote supported VANTECH Co., Ltd. in promoting its new consumer-facing brand, "VANTECH PRODUCTS," through comprehensive web marketing initiatives. Known for its catalyst technology in B2B applications, VANTECH has developed innovative stainless steel tumblers and stirrers for consumers and restaurants. These products, enhanced with proprietary catalyst processing, elevate the flavors of beverages such as water, wine, and spirits.
The project involved optimizing the brand’s website to showcase the unique appeal of the products and creating a seamless user experience. Social media advertising campaigns were also implemented to effectively reach the target audience. Additionally, Okunote provided training to VANTECH’s employees, empowering them with the skills needed to excel in web marketing.
By bridging VANTECH’s cutting-edge technology with digital marketing expertise, Okunote played a crucial role in delivering new value to everyday life through innovative products.
オクノテは、有限会社VANTECHの新たな挑戦である自社ブランド「VANTECH PRODUCTS」の拡販に向けたWebマーケティング支援を担当しました。これまで触媒技術を活用したBtoB向け事業を展開してきたVANTECHは、一般消費者や飲食店に向けてステンレスタンブラーやマドラーなどの新製品を開発。これらの商品は、自社開発の触媒加工技術により、飲み物の味わいを深める独自の特長を備えています。