Okunote supported the WOMEN+BEYOND: Change the World with Us project launched by the Japan Association for UNHCR as a pro bono designer, providing creative direction for this initiative. The project aims to incorporate the perspectives of refugee women and girls into the broader movement for women’s empowerment and invites participants to explore what they can do from Japan.
As the project’s first initiative, a public webinar was held to discuss the current situation and future of Afghan refugee women. Okunote was responsible for designing the official logo, visual identity, and event tools, ensuring the project’s key messages were effectively conveyed through its creative elements.
We are proud to contribute to this important initiative, hoping it will expand the circle of support for refugee women and empower them toward a brighter future.
オクノテは、特定非営利活動法人 国連UNHCR協会が始動した女性支援プロジェクト「WOMEN+BEYOND 私たちから、世界を変えよう。」のクリエイティブ面をプロボノデザイナーとして支援しました。このプロジェクトは、女性エンパワーメントの流れに難民女性・女子の視点を組み込み、「日本の私たちに何ができるのか」を共に考えることを目的としています。