Okunote participated as a creator in the “100 Sake Sommeliers” project by Sawano Tsuru, a renowned sake brewery established in 1717. This project was an ambitious initiative to reinterpret Sawano Tsuru’s 300 years of brewing expertise and tradition through meaningful dialogue with a community of over 4,000 creators, transforming their "ordinary" practices into extraordinary new values.
The journey began with an intuitive email sent by a Sawano Tsuru representative after reading a TRINUS product development case study in a magazine. This led to the discovery of fresh perspectives through collaboration with creators, culminating in a concept that highlights the essence of Sawano Tsuru’s craft. The result was “100 Sake Sommeliers,” a project brought to life through crowdfunding, featuring sake brewed using the groundbreaking "ultrafiltration" technique, which removes enzymes to retain the pure taste of unpasteurized sake.
Okunote contributed to this project by developing the brand concept and designing the website. We worked to effectively communicate the legacy and innovation of Sawano Tsuru in a way that resonates with today’s audience, crafting a compelling story that celebrates both tradition and progress. We are honored to have played a role in expanding the possibilities of Japanese sake through this groundbreaking initiative.
URL:沢の鶴 100人の唎酒師
URL:沢の鶴 100人の唎酒師