Okunote undertook the company brochure and website renewal project for Yushima Art, highlighting its rich history and expertise in traditional Japanese decorative paper techniques.
Founded in the mid-Meiji era by a master craftsman in decorative techniques, Yushima Art has been a significant contributor to Japanese culture. Both the previous and current representatives are certified Japanese Traditional Craftsmen, entrusted with preserving and advancing the art of fusuma paper decoration, including supplying meticulously decorated paper to the Imperial Household Agency.
Today, the company focuses on decorative paper processing and design development for wholesale distributors of fusuma paper while actively pursuing innovation in decorative techniques and product commercialization.
For this project, Okunote created a visually refined design that showcases Yushima Art’s blend of tradition and innovation. The company brochure highlights their heritage and dedication to craftsmanship, while the revamped website offers an intuitive experience to understand their technical expertise and product offerings.


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